
Hello World I'm Angel, I like watching clouds.

           I'm going to the daisy flowers, they are my tavorite ones.

                                           I love Bathing in rainbows and I'm leaving my mind.

I love my physical shell, life is a adventure.

XoXo Angel <3

        Her make-up is crusty, it keeps crumbling off her face.
She is clearly a mess, honey.
Spiralina, spirals around the clock
Spiralina, glowing tonight
Spiralina, spirals
Spiralina, time goes by, tick tock,
Sleeping and fucking around the clock
Spiralina, spiralina, spiralina
Left alone around the block

Spiralina, in pink trash bag dress.
2024 mixed media sculpture.

@# ⍺Ṱ ℉ỉгṩт Δ₦ḠẸ⅃ |Ŧ ỀИĐ∑Ș ωїτħ ЖӨЖӨ ⱯŊĐ ḯτ ¢Ө₥∑Ṧ ⱯϨ Ɐ ρřŏɱ¤
apocalypse: sacrifice them
2024, video- sound- collage, lets play, poem.
Come to me moon child.
The video art piece, "Facial Recognition System Works, Stop Going Feral," presents a humoric critique of AI facial recognition technology. The work exposes the inherent biases of these systems, highlighting their tendency to discriminate based on nationality, skin color, facial features, and gender identities. Furthermore, the piece underscores how these technologies marginalize individuals with non-conforming facial expressions and those with disabilities, challenging viewers to reflect on the ethical implications of unchecked technological advancement.
@# ⍺Ṱ ℉ỉгṩт Δ₦ḠẸ⅃ |Ŧ ỀИĐ∑Ș ωїτħ ЖӨЖӨ ⱯŊĐ ḯτ ¢Ө₥∑Ṧ ⱯϨ Ɐ ρřŏɱ¤

Automatic drawings 2024.
@# ⍺Ṱ ℉ỉгṩт Δ₦ḠẸ⅃ |Ŧ ỀИĐ∑Ș ωїτħ ЖӨЖӨ ⱯŊĐ ḯτ ¢Ө₥∑Ṧ ⱯϨ Ɐ ρřŏɱ¤

just another heros quest 2024

Wakadoodle, Rundgang 2024 KHB Weisensee

@# ⍺Ṱ ℉ỉгṩт Δ₦ḠẸ⅃ |Ŧ ỀИĐ∑Ș ωїτħ ЖӨЖӨ ⱯŊĐ ḯτ ¢Ө₥∑Ṧ ⱯϨ Ɐ ρřŏɱ¤

Digital Dignity, 2024
@# ⍺Ṱ ℉ỉгṩт Δ₦ḠẸ⅃ |Ŧ ỀИĐ∑Ș ωїτħ ЖӨЖӨ ⱯŊĐ ḯτ ¢Ө₥∑Ṧ ⱯϨ Ɐ ρřŏɱ¤



@# ⍺Ṱ ℉ỉгṩт Δ₦ḠẸ⅃ |Ŧ ỀИĐ∑Ș ωїτħ ЖӨЖӨ ⱯŊĐ ḯτ ¢Ө₥∑Ṧ ⱯϨ Ɐ ρřŏɱ¤


© 2024 Angel, Multidisciplinary Artist, Berlin-based.

Goodbye World I was Angel, I liked watching clouds.
        I went to the daisy flowers, they were my favorite ones.
        I loved bathing in rainbows and I left my mind.
        I loved my physical shell, life was an adventure.